Spirit me away mind and soul
To a place of sunlight gold
For nothing bades me here to stay
For respite I must fly away
To a quiet glen
In the woods somewhere
Where the tall trees grow
And the air is fair
Where the sun shines like music
Down through gentle leaves
Which to a songless tune
Sways in the breeze
All around is quiet
Content is drunk to the soul
For here life seems steady
Serene and repose
The stream would ripple steadily
And time it would so measure
But here time is different
Each moment is a treasure
Each bird song, each maiden flight
The first of dawn, the last daylight
Is but a moment yet eternity
In this jewel of serenity
This is a place where the world
Would quietly fall away
And leave the recesses of the mind
Where it had often held sway
And the mind quietens
It knows where to go
And that is to the current present
And the moment that it holds
Copyright © 2015 by Kwek Yi Zhen