The night air is quiet And I neither sleep nor wake But move on from task to task As best as weak strength can make Do I still have a soul I wonder It feels hidden away somewhere Leaving just the flesh and bone And tired eyes to stare Silently at the screen I gaze from left to right In this darkened place It seems so very bright My feelings have vanished I don't seem alive But this heart keeps beating Against death it still strives But my mind has deserted me It's mired in grey fog My limbs worn down and heavy Like a pair of logs Everything feels dry The heart is withered and grey The whole world feels Like a cloudy overcast day I don’t know who I am I don't know where I'm placed I seem to be some machine Working with a plastic face I can't start I can't stop I can't stay I can't go I need to find, where is it? Where can I find my soul?
Copyright © 2016 by Kwek Yi Zhen
Originally from:
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