Oh little flower growing on the wayside
Dancing with petals ever so bright
How you shine in the day long sun
And sleep gently when the day is done
You never notice the crowd that passes you by
For your thoughts reach for heaven’s sky!
For it you dance, in it joy you’ve found
Although you may be earthly bound
Oh little wayside flower, gentle and meek
Yet striving in beauty that which you seek
Little you know the enduring joy
You bring to those who pass you in toil!
So grow on, wayside flower and seek no other view
Than the azure blue sky constant but always new
And in your dreams, bloom ever so bright
And bestow on the passers-by some of your light!
Copyright © 2017 by Kwek Yi Zhen
Originally from: http://poemsforocassions.blogspot.com/2017/07/wayside-flower.html